Social Media and School Life by Heba Latif

A study has found that 82% of young adults use Facebook, 55% of this crowd use Instagram and only 32% use Twitter. Social media has changed the world tremendously. Social media is targeted for millennials (people born from the late 1980s to the early 2000s). A large number of millennials are currently students, students who… Continue reading Social Media and School Life by Heba Latif

Consider by Hana Ali

Consider the faults of perfections, the idiocy of correctness, the light of nightfall, and the freedom of confinement. Consider the very body you live in, the very method of communication, the gadget of connection and intimacy and despair and anxiety. Consider the human body, its faults and its remedies, its wrongs and its rights. Consider… Continue reading Consider by Hana Ali

2 AM by Maribel

It’s 2 am and I am awake I can’t gather my feelings As the clouds dance around like little beings It’s 2 am, why am I awake? I want to capture this moment In my head like a memory that won’t even last the night Because while I am thinking of this My heart is… Continue reading 2 AM by Maribel