An Interview With the Heads of Math Club

Interview Conducted by Jomana Abdelfatah

What are the main aspects that differentiate your club from others?

The math club is considered unique due to its way of teaching. Our club educates students to start using mathematics in their daily life and explore its value to their future.

What are the 3 main characteristics/ traits that should be evident in your club members?

The members of our club should be committed, hardworking and passionate about mathematics. Without those qualities, we believe that it is hardly possible for anyone to achieve anything or study anything in general.

What are the most important skills your members will obtain by the end of the school year from your club?

The most important skill our members will be learning at the end of this year is critical thinking because it is required for every problem we encounter in our daily life. No matter how small or big problems are critical thinking is needed to get through it.

What type of content does your club offer?

We will be going over various forms of math such as mechanics, the number theory and coding. We will be going over the history of certain mathematicians and the basics of certain formulas to give the students background information on the topics.

Summarize your club idea and content in a few lines.

A new perspective on mathematics that is yet to be explored within the school. Critical thinking, analytical thinking and quantitative reasoning are the skills obtain through our exceptional content.

When and where will the club meetings be held?

Math club members will be meeting each Monday after school to discuss topics provided by

our supervising teacher, Mr Hassan Darwich. We will also be having break meetings, in which each section will be meeting with their corresponding head (Boys: Moataz Basyouni; Girls: Haidy Tamer).

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