Many are oblivious to the fact that the two genders can both be struck by a breast cancer lightning bolt, yet the chances of a male finding himself in the dreadful hands of this disease are about twelve times higher than that of being struck by lightning. I have, unfortunately, been diagnosed with breast cancer as a male.
It is no secret that society is dark and twisted. However, I didn’t realize how insensitive one can be when reacting to such disheartening news. Cancer is no joking matter. An individual with a functioning heart simply cannot giggle when the words “I have been diagnosed with breast cancer” are introduced. Me choosing to share my struggles isn’t an invitation for your cruel words to have a field day; your harsh and unnecessary input is not welcome.
It took me a while to separate breast cancer from femininity. My illness doesn’t take away from my masculinity, and doesn’t automatically place me into a mold and shape me into whatever you choose to make me out to be. I refuse to let my true identity be shrouded by a veil of your slurs. I’m sorry my cancerous lumps and bumps did not put into account your disgusting views.
Cancer alone has already brought enough emotional pain onto me, amplified by the pain that my loved ones have been overcome by. The burden of losing my hair due to chemo was not lessened by the fact that I am a man. All I wanted was to be normal. I am a person; not just a mere patient. Therefore, I value your acceptance and support, but not your sympathy or pity. I want you to fathom the fact that cancer doesn’t dehumanize me. I am human; I can break too.