Always Second Best

by Minatallah Husami Growing up, I was always encouraged to “do my best”. “Do your best” this, “do your best” that. I was never told, however, that doing my best might not always make me the best. Instead, my parents narrated stories in which they exhausted themselves working towards something grand, something extraordinary, something that… Continue reading Always Second Best

Male Breast Cancer: A Boy Trapped in a “Girl’s” World by Minatallah Al Husami

Many are oblivious to the fact that the two genders can both be struck by a breast cancer lightning bolt, yet the chances of a male finding himself in the dreadful hands of this disease are about twelve times higher than that of being struck by lightning. I have, unfortunately, been diagnosed with breast cancer… Continue reading Male Breast Cancer: A Boy Trapped in a “Girl’s” World by Minatallah Al Husami