Poem: The Raven

by Karin Mia

Note: The Raven is a narrative poem written by Edgar Allan Poe. This piece is a re-written version of the poem.

While I sat in my state of bore,

There was a tap;

A tap on my chamber door.

‘tis some visitor I kept telling myself

while I distinctly remembered

that it was bleak December.

In my mind I’m stuck and cannot escape

like a prisoner in my own mind and body.

These feelings are what shaped me,

although I hoped they’d fade away once I counted to three.

I want to end my sorrow,

which is why I used the books I’d borrow

from the stacks I go through every night.

They still don’t help get my mind off Lenore,

my long lost Love.

Even though I’m aware it’s wrong, her Love I still crave.

To hold her in my arms once again, some day…

But from that I’m restrained

As she’s no longer here.

This emptiness inside had left me drained,

pleading for the Raven to respond with “nevermore”,

Adding more to my state of bore.

I don’t get the answers I wanted,

For why cant my wish just be granted?

Why am I trapped in a state so haunted?

Still to the useless bird I ranted,

Only in need of reassurance.

Reassurance that I’d hold my Love,

My beautiful white dove,

In my arms once again,

But not being able to,

Leaves me in the same state,

The same old state of bore, as I’m still staring at the door,

Added with the state of vain,

Where the pain in the remaining stain,

As I stay seated there is a tapping;

A tapping on my chamber door.

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